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xaameriki.wordpress.com_ Despite bad weather, 25 activists from Golden Dawn New York showed up to the world famous Greek independence da...

xaameriki.wordpress.com_ Despite bad weather, 25 activists from Golden Dawn New York showed up to the world famous Greek independence day parade, commemorating the Hellenic national revolution of 1821. Our mission was to hand out literature speaking of our humanitarian work, as well as informing people of events going in Greece from the Hellenic point of view. A highlight was when the Evzones (historical elite light infantry) walked by and we waved high the flag of the new Hellenic revolution, even as local puppet politicians who think Greek nationalism is criminal yet support Jewish ultra-nationalism tried to ruin the beautiful sight.

The men trekked from Astoria to Manhattan in great spirits. We don’t wear our shirts for shock value or attention, we do it because we are taking a moral stand! Being in full uniform, the men walked into a local Greek diner beforehand for a bite to eat. Out of nowhere the owner approached us to thank us for our work and inform us our meal (where more than 20 people ate) was on the house! The heart warming gesture is further proof that the Zionist hacks of AHEPA and the Hellenic American Leadership Council are completely out of touch with the views and interests of common Greek-American, and instead exist as a token entity for far more powerful and anti-Greek financial and political interests.

The social-nationalists rode the train to the event, as we are real working class people, unlike the rich Leftists who claim to speak for us. It is true that New York is a multicultural city, and some choose to criticize our chapter for that, yet none of these hypocrites ever dare to criticize the alphabet soup of Jewish lobbies that support the racial supremacist state of Israel. If Jews of New York are allowed to raise billions and influence politics in the overt violent interests of Zionism, why is it hateful if Western people collect food and donations for the poor in our home countries? We are a movement of love for what is behind us, not hate for what is in front of us, and living in a multicultural city does not give the globalists a right to eradicate the Hellenic people from the face of the earth with unchecked immigration.

The reception from the crowd was great. Individuals would randomly approach us to thank us for our work both here and in Greece, and to encourage us to keep up the struggle. The Greek community of America, other than those unelected individuals that speak on its behalf to an eager and hostile mainstream media, has actively rejected the neo-liberal Samaras and the phony opposition on the Left. Out of the entire crowd, only 2 older women, affiliated with the dirty local plutocracy and Zionist organizations like AHEPA were acting rude. We only have one thing to say to those few that seek to attack us: you give comments, we actively help our people. Our very existence and the open support from the community has Samaras and his agents in New York very frustrated

Overall this was a highly successful event. We will continue breaking barriers and defying few at the top in our mission to save our race and culture. For a free and Hellenic Greece, for a Europe of the Nations!

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