Κι όμως μιλάμε αγγλικά και δεν το ξέρουμε, ή μάλλον οι Εγγλέζοι μιλούν Ελληνικά και δεν έχουν ιδέα για αυτο. Για προσπαθήστε να διαβάσε...
The protagonists periodically used pseudonyms. Anonymity was a syndrome that characterized the theatrical atmosphere.
The panoramic fantasy, the mystique, the melody, the aesthetics, the use of the cosmetic epithets are characteristics of drama.
Eventhrough the theaters were physically gigantic, there was noneed for microphones because the architecture and the acoustics would echo isometrically and crystal – clear. Many epistomologists of physics, aerodynamics, acoustics, electronics, electromagnetics can not analyze – explain the ideal and isometric acoustics of Hellenic theaters even today.
There were many categories of drama: classical drama, melodrama, satiric, epic, comedy, etc. The syndrome of xenophobia or dyslexia was overcome by the pathos of the actors who practiced methodically and emphatically. Acrobatics were also eup3horic. There was a plethora of anecdotal themes, with which the acrobats would electrify the ecstatic audience with scenes from mythical and historical episodes.
Some theatric episodes were characterized as scandalous and blasphemous. Pornography, bigamy, hemophilia, nymphomania, polyandry, polygamy and heterosexuality were dramatized in a pedagogical way so the mysticism about them would not cause phobia or anathema or taken as anomaly but through logic, dialogue and analysis skepticism and the pathetic or cryptic mystery behind them would be dispelled.
It is historically and chronologically proven that theater emphasized pedagogy, idealism and harmony. Paradoxically it also energized patriotism a phenomenon that symbolized ethnically character and phenomenal heroism.
Αλήθεια…Υπάρχει κανείς που δεν κατάλαβε τι έλεγε το παραπάνω άρθρο;
Έρευνα εχει καταμετρήσε 6000 λέξεις ελληνικές στην αγγλική γλώσσα
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΑμέτρητους αρχαίους ελληνικούς θησαυρούς ,Με αποξήλωση.Καταστρέφοντας αυτό Που δεν μπορούσαν να πάρουν
Αντιγραφές αρχιτεκτονικών σχεδίων των κτιρίων και τελειωμό δεν έχει ο κατάλογος.Παλιά κτίρια και η Ευρώπη μας αποζημίωναν για τις καταστροφές μας έχουν κάνει η Ελλάδα θα ήταν το πιο πλούσιο κράτος στον κόσμο
μιλουν γιατι μιλουν ελληνικα. (κ δειχνουν καπως ανθρωποι) αν μιλουσαν τη δικη τους ΄'γλωσσα' δεν θα ακουγοταν τιποτε αλλο εκτος απο κατι μουγγανητα θεριων